Why is caring good for business

“It’s not personal, it’s just business…..” Running a business is the most personal thing you can do outside of your family life. And especially when it is your own business, that business becomes an extension of yourself. It is always personal.  Yet I often come across those who do not believe that caring is part of good business.

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You’re Time Poor and it’s your Fault

You're Time Poor and it's your Fault. That seems a bit harsh. But it is true. “Time is the most valuable thing that one can spend.” Theophrastus. Do you value your time, or do you give it away for free? Be it at work, home or in between. And if you are giving it all away, how can you expect to have any left?

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Moving Towards Meaningful Reporting

A meaningful report has to tell you why, and the more the report can explain the why the better. It is part of an accountant’s role to help explain the “why” that sits behind the numbers they produce.

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