Does your business have Authentic Social Purpose?

Does your business have Authentic Social Purpose? Society is now expecting better corporate behaviour. And companies are wanting to prove they are better. Unfortunately, it is hard to see if a company is genuine in their social purpose. This has led to terms such as “green washing”. Where everyone is saying the right things, but it is harder to see who follows through.

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Towards NFP Best Practice

Not for profit best practice. Get the right people, Have clear expectations, Require good management reporting, Have a company secretary

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3rd Space Brisbane Case Study

When it comes to the operation of a business finance and accounting function, it should be staffed with a strong element of attentiveness, importance and protection. That is why an engaged, competent and professional accountant is, and always will be, an invaluable asset to any business. On meeting the charity in 2017, Right Source set out to deliver on these values …

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