How do I make you a million dollars

No metaphors or sales promises. Here is an example of how I have helped a client make a million dollars. My client, let’s call them Smith & Co, have a successful business. By that I mean they have good business acumen, are good at what they do and have a good reputation in their market.

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Interested in Relevant Advice?

Accountants who say 'that's not may area of expertise' and don't advise you on it? I don't think so. Find an accountant who will advise you on all aspects of your business.

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Does your business have Authentic Social Purpose?

Does your business have Authentic Social Purpose? Society is now expecting better corporate behaviour. And companies are wanting to prove they are better. Unfortunately, it is hard to see if a company is genuine in their social purpose. This has led to terms such as “green washing”. Where everyone is saying the right things, but it is harder to see who follows through.

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Towards NFP Best Practice

Not for profit best practice. Get the right people, Have clear expectations, Require good management reporting, Have a company secretary

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You’re Time Poor and it’s your Fault

You're Time Poor and it's your Fault. That seems a bit harsh. But it is true. “Time is the most valuable thing that one can spend.” Theophrastus. Do you value your time, or do you give it away for free? Be it at work, home or in between. And if you are giving it all away, how can you expect to have any left?

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Preventing Internal Fraud

I am a big fan of internal controls and they are imperative to any organisation, big or small. They protect your organisation’s assets, including your most valuable asset, your employees. Recent statistics point to 'insiders' being responsible for over half of reported frauds. In my experience with internal fraud it is not always malicious or planned at the outset.  Often the individual involved had every intention of paying the funds back. From that point of view, it is often a trusted, longer term employee.

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